Well, it certainly took its sweet time but the snow finally arrived, later and lighter than I'd hoped. Nonetheless, there was SNOW! It was the second time in my life that I'd actually been able to watch it fall and accumulate, so I of course had to have a snowball fight with my wife (we were celebrating our anniversary that day, too). It was really gorgeous to watch as it fell and we walked through the city to Rittenhouse Square, the flakes reflecting the street lamps and creating a dreamy effect. I would've brought my camera, but in the excitement of the moment, I left it in the apartment. So, you'll all just have to live with the photos that Corey, our lovely host, took of Sarah Adelaide trouncing me at snowball fighting. (I would like to point out in my defense that I grew up in Florida while she grew up in places like South Dakota, where if there's less than a foot of snow on the ground on Independence Day, it's a warm summer.)
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