Having never been to La Mercè, neither Sarah nor I were entirely sure what to expect. We decided to meet up with one of her classmates in Barçelona for a little lunch and to take a look around. The three of us ended up enjoying bocadillos (very basic sandwiches)

Sarah’s classmate took his leave as Sarah and I made our way through to a parade route where we encountered a lively precession of what would in the States be called drum corps. Each beat out their own tunes before a throng of spectators. I found it interesting that there was little attempt to separate the onlookers from the groups of drummers but for a couple of folks who would occasionally back us up whenever some of the larger percussion groups came through. Sarah was more adventurous than I in getting photos of the various bands; her philosophy on photography, “get in there and shoot until someone tells you to stop,” is a much bolder one than mine, although I think I shall have to adopt a similar attitude. I still got some decent shots, I think.

Those are a few of my favorites. I might post a couple of the videos Sarah took from the Batucadas a little later. It was quite exhilarating to behold. Little did I know that this was merely a prelude to something even more amazing: the Correfoc! I’ll have more on that, though, in my next post.
Jesus Jimbo! Do me a favor, go to Hipercor and buy some nice leather sandals (they're super cheap in Spain). I'm gonna burn those sandals next time I see them! >:O Lovely pics though. You best book your flight to Andalucia soon!