About 30 kilometers up the road from Los Barrios the Franceshis have a lovely place on the beach in the quaint seaside hamlet of Torreguardiaro. It overlooks the Mediterranean Sea and provides a wonderful vista of The Rock (not the Nicholas Cage-Sean Connery movie) as well as the north coast of Africa. We arrived shortly after sunset as the atmosphere was bending the last rays of the sun into brilliant oranges, reds and pinks before yielding to the turquoises, azures and violets that heralded the descent of night. In the bay before us was a scene so stereotypically Mediterranean that it was almost comical in its detail: A tiny row boat bobbing up and down in the surf beneath a moon carved in a crescent and hung with delicate care above the bay. Just to our right on the shore was a pile of copies of the boat in the bay, tossed there presumably by their sailors rushing to get home for dinner or perhaps just an aperitif; it was only 6:30, after all. I am reasonably sure I had seen the painting in a Greek restaurant before.

I know the second picture is blurry but I like it anyway, particularly in its thumbnail form. Unfortunately, many of the pictures from the condo turned out this way; it seems that at an ISO setting of 400 or greater, the Nikon Coolpix P90 produces quite a bit of digital noise and the pictures, once blown up, start looking pretty fuzzy. My only other option that night was to use a wide-open shutter, but that would've caused motion blur. Excuses, excuses, I know. Thankfully, my lovely fiance found a tripod for us to use the last day we were down in Andalucia, but more on that in due time. Once the light had completely drained from the sky, it was back to Los Barrios for some delicious pastries and another night at El Garaje.
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